After 30 years, a man can be problems in the functioning of the prostate will encounter and need to look for means to how to treat yourself Prostatitis. Experts recommend to do that, because there is a large risk of development of complications and a worsening of the Situation. No timely adequate treatment not only the patient very uncomfortable, but can cause more serious injuries.

The disease can occur in the acute and chronic Form.
- Patients with acute Prostatitis alarming severe symptoms, should the treatment is carried out immediately and usually in a hospital;
- Chronic Prostatitis often occurs in middle-aged men (aged 45 years and older). He has more than sluggish, the symptoms are not so intense, however, the disease is ignore leads to hyperplasia of the prostate.
Treat Prostatitis is necessary, begin immediately after detection of the first signs of the disease.
Types of treatment of Prostatitis
Patients prefer self-medication, the risk of serious problems, so much better overcome your shame and fear, and consult a doctor. And how in the absence of medical knowledge, the Patient can determine the factors that provoked the development of the disease. The treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the tissue of the prostate is different, as are the symptoms.
- During the acute course of the disease immediately antibiotics anti-inflammatory drugs, immune-boosting agents, prescribe drugs, for the elimination of edema and normalization of urination;
- If Prostatitis occurs in the chronic Form, you should treat it with the help of antibiotics, Massage.
If the disease is triggered, the doctor may prescribe surgery. A positive influence on the condition of the prostate natural remedies, physiological treatments, diet and exercise.
Drug Therapy
To effectively cure Prostatitis, not without taking medication. If the disease is chronic without complications and exacerbations that are impractical to keep the patient in the hospital. The doctor will prescribe the necessary medications rubs him to be treated and the home sends. At home, the Patient undertakes the recommendations of the doctor, take prescribed medication, exercises, regularly see a doctor, so he had the opportunity to observe how the disease progresses. The expert recommends how to treat the pathology, depending on the cause of their formation. In men aged 20-40 years, the most common bacterial Prostatitis. Triggering factor of the pathogens that penetrate into the tissue of the prostate, the promotion of the development of the inflammatory process. Particularly susceptible to bacteria, patients with a weakened immune system, so you should take care of your health constantly and not only when the disease is already in the active Phase of the development.
Not effectively cure Prostatitis without the use of anti-bacterial medication when it by the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Drugs fight bacteria, eliminating the cause of the disease. Not prescribe antibiotics, if the disease has a stagnant nature. Medication adverse effect to destroy harmful bacteria, which normalizes to a lower intensity of the inflammatory process, the condition of the tissue, and the symptoms of the disease. Doctors often the inflammation of the prostate treated with the help of medications. Medication groups of antibiotics are effective in acute Prostatitis. Its active ingredients quickly fall directly into the inflammatory focus, they have a bactericidal effect, resulting in the patient's condition improved, symptoms returned. In the chronic Form of the prescribed medication with a couple of other features. The are drugs from the group of antibiotics, tetracycline.
Hormonal Agents
In the last time from a positive side hormonal preparations proved to be, with the help of which you can also treat prostate disorders. They act in two directions: to reduce the intensity of symptoms, the erectile function of the man. You can only eat according to the determination of the treating physician. If the medication is not intended, it can cause serious complications for the patient.
Immune modulators
Prostatitis, like a number of other diseases, develops on the background of the lowered immunity. In order to improve it for a short time, not enough to normalize the diet, the consumption of fruits and Can. Here it comes to more radical methods that would quickly and effectively normalizes the immune system of the patient. Without strengthening the immune system, to cure the Prostatitis is almost impossible, so that the Patient will prescribe immune-boosting medicines.
Rectal Candles
Drugs filtered and excreted by the liver and the kidney, so these organs are most likely to have a suffering from active ingredients of drugs. The negative effects on the body, in addition to the drugs for the oral administration, assign suppositories also rectal. In the pharmacies a large amount of such funds. You can contain components, their effect on controlling the pathogenic microorganisms, painful sensations or inflammation, and, on the basis of exclusively natural components, the effective influence on the diseased Organ, and improve your condition. Drugs carries a positive influence on the condition of the prostate, the reduction of edema and the elimination of inflammation, stimulates local immunity, and resistance of the organism. As a result of the application of the suppository in water normalized to let the pain go.
Leech therapy
This technique has proven to be successful. Its essence is to go back from a to treat that it is necessary inflammation of the leech. The procedure is not very pleasant, but it helps to cope effectively with the characteristics of the disease and to improve the General condition of the patient. In the result, the blood circulation to the diseased organs, stimulates, all of harmful substances, be of the inflammatory process to subside in the prostate. Implement the leeches should not even. The course of treatment consists of five sessions, between which a break must be a minimum of 4 days. The use of leech therapy is as follows:
- In the saliva of the leech contains a large amount of nutrients that come in a diseased body men;
- The blood circulation is stimulated;
- The volume of blood that circulates in the inflamed area, reduces.
Leech therapy is helpful in other diseases. Not every man decides leeches to treat Prostatitis, but there is nothing wrong, it's not even painful, just uncomfortable.
Folk Remedies
The traditional medicine also proven their ability to in the help for the cure of the Prostatitis. Traditional methods tested experience and time. Effective enough only as part of an integrated therapy that can be applied for the prevention of diseases. Some traditional media have contraindications and can be dangerous to the patient, so before you do anything, you should consult a doctor. So, the people's recipes in the aid of men.
- Pumpkin.
The seeds of this Gorodovoy culture contain a lot of zinc. Be chard to provoke not only the development of Prostatitis, but also other male problems. Food should be only 30 pieces, the chard of zinc in the body.
- Propolis.
Anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Propolis, you would be best to buy in the candlelight and insert it rectally with a periodicity of two times per day. The course of treatment is three weeks.
- Bee stings.
This is the technique you should use very carefully, because the can't failure to observe safety instructions cause harm to the patient. To cope with people without experience in the field of beekeeping, hardly, with this difficult task, because it is necessary to the bee stinging in active points. Prostatitis – is a complex inflammatory disease of the prostate, which is a rapid, effective treatment. Do not let the Problem of the coincidence. In the case of the appearance of the first symptoms, you should consult a doctor. In acute or advanced chronic Form of the patients in the hospital keep. In other cases, treatment at home can. No matter how effective natural remedies are not alone, you are able to deal with the Problem. Do not forget that self-medication is dangerous for the health. Only a specialist can determine the cause, the Form and nature of the disease, according to prescribe drugs and you can you to treat. One of the most important phases of the restoration and preservation of the health of the man treatment of Prostatitis at home. The home treatment will help to quickly deal with the Problem. However, the neglect of qualified medical help is not. First, you need the advice of a doctor, medical examination, and cause of injury, then get rid of Prostatitis easier.
How do you know that men Prostatitis
Of course, the diagnosis of the specialist, but there are signs that should be drawn to the attention of man. If you are, then you should go to the attention on your health, but directly to the urologist. Diagnosis of Prostatitis at home is to "not displaying" the first alarming signs. Acute Prostatitis is not allowed, but more often the chronic Form of the disease that develops slowly with the allmhlichen increase of the phenomena.
The first signs of a Prostatitis
- Discomfort in the groin and in the genital area,
- Frequent urge to urinate,
- Sexual Disorders.
In the case of aggravation of the condition amplifies pain, potential aggravation, accompanied by lively symptoms:
- Pain in the abdomen,
- Pain when urinating,
- a significant deterioration in the erection,
- General poor health,
- the increase in the temperature of the body.
After the hike to the doctor, a man needs to be diagnosed and get an appointment. To solve the fastest the Problem is the drug treatment of Prostatitis, the more efficient in the use of the tried-and-tested home methods helps. A competent urologist always explain to the patient how to treat Prostatitis at home, will tell you what measures should be taken. If the infectious nature of the disease is assigned treatment of Prostatitis with antibiotics, if the cause of the steel congestion, then the main efforts in the fix.
How to treat Prostatitis at home
Method for the treatment of Prostatitis at home to beat the use of traditional recipes, based on phytotherapy, Massage, exercises that help to deal with the disease and improve men's health. It is important to understand that the domestic treatment of Prostatitis is possible only in cases, if there are no complications, complicated forms, or frequently relapsing disease require greater attention and more serious measures.
The people's recipes in the aid of men
The treatment of Prostatitis in men in the domestic environment, based on traditional recipes, helps to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, improve the process of urination, as well as improving the General tone of the body and increase its resistance against any disease. The national medicine will help against Prostatitis!
Pumpkin seeds in the treatment of Prostatitis
Pumpkin seeds are used for the treatment of Prostatitis for more than a century. Their beneficial effect is due to the content of large quantities of an Element such as zinc. The male body needs a daily intake of zinc in the organism, it allows you to maintain the health and maintain. For the treatment of the dried, but not roasted pumpkin seeds are used. You have to peel and eat. For the treatment is usually sufficient, half a Kilo of seeds. This means the course will not last as long as the is over "medicine". If there are several such courses a year, the risk of exacerbation of the chronic Prostatitis is significantly reduced. Every day you need to eat, pumpkin seeds 30. You don't make it before the meal, to be in a hurry, you need to chew thoroughly.Peeled pumpkin seeds through the meat grinder and to do this, add 200 grams of honey. Mix everything well and roll the balls the size of a walnut. For the treatment of chronic Prostatitis a day to eat 2 of such bulbs. You, as in the previous case, before the food and thoroughly chew it.
Recipes using vermouth
Mugwort – plant, with which you will cope with almost any type of infection, including with greatnow. How can wormwood the Prostatitis to heal? A comprehensive course, including the use of Suds and washing of the urethra. You will need 100 grams of dry vermouth, the fray in the Hand as small as possible and screened. Small groups are for the reception inside in the Form of dry, large – for the broth, you can get an microclysters and flushing of the urethra. The result is a double effect on the body, the purified pathogen infection, resulting in the termination of inflammatory processes. The treatment lasts for a week. Dry vermouth independently of the meals, a pinch of the right to take, with water. Every day in the evening, micro make clysters and washing of the urethra with the decoction.
The broth for the micro-enemas and douches make the as follows. A teaspoon with a slide dry herb wormwood pour a Liter of boiling water. After cooling to 400C and filtered. For each intervention must broth in 50 ml. With the help of a syringe to squirt into the Anus and the urethra produce. Injection into the urethra will produce strong, that the liquid is advanced as far as possible. To use for each procedure, a separate syringe. Artemisia, a medicinal plant, the large spectrum of activity, so that before the treatment, you must consult your doctor and be sure to take into account all the characteristics of such therapy. Not to smoke during the treatment, to take alcohol. Possible exacerbation of other chronic diseases, and a deterioration of the General state of health.