Treatment of prostatitis at homecarried out according to certain rules established by the doctor.
This is a disease that causes inflammation of the prostate.
This disease is taken into accountone of the most common in men over 30 years old.
The disease occurs due to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the organ tissue, which leads to inflammatory processes.
You need to understand that home treatment is an addition to the main therapy and is more aimed at preventing prostatitis.
Basic treatment methods
First, prostatitis is diagnosed, at home you can recognize certain symptoms that indicate this disease. Then you have to go to the hospital immediately.
After an accurate diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medication. UsuallyAnti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and alpha blockers are used. All of these drugs are prescribed only by a doctor, so self-medication is not recommended.
Special device
But at homeYou can use a special devicefor the treatment of prostatitis at home.
Depending on the method of influence, there are:
- non-invasive;
- transrectally.
The device for the treatment of prostatitis is selected by the doctor depending on the patient's condition and his individual characteristics.
Transrectals are available as vibration and electrical stimulators.
They also highlightantiparasiticAction. Such devices have a distinctive feature: they use special attachments that are required for insertion through the anus.
A non-invasive device for treating the prostate affects the organ only through the skin. LED, laser and infrared radiation are used. Swelling and pain gradually disappear, red blood cell function and blood circulation improve.
Movement therapy and massage
Physical exercise and massage improve men's health, and this also applies to the prostate.The doctor must select a special set of exercises for each patient individually. It is recommended to do them every morning in the morning. If a person is just waking up, you first need to massage the perineum for 5 minutes. This helps prevent prostate congestion.
Only then can you start loading. You need to spread your legs a little and do a half squat. Now you need to move your knees back and forth for 5 minutes. In addition, if you have prostate problems, it is recommended to walk more.
Warm baths
Treatment and prevention of prostatitis in men at home includes taking warm baths.This is necessary to prevent stagnation in the body and improve blood and lymphatic circulation in the body. In addition, the water during the procedure should have a temperature of no more than 43°. The session itself lasts no longer than 15 minutes. Instead of water, you can also pour various herbal decoctions.
In addition to baths, you can also do other heat treatments. E. g. ,Enemas, suppositories, heating pads are suitable. Paraffin applications are useful. And for enemas you can use a decoction based on sage and string.
Right nutrition
Home treatment requires proper nutrition.The diet should be balanced. It is necessary to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and fermented milk products.
But cocoa, coffee, alcoholic drinks, cucumbers, smoked meats, fatty meats and fish should be excluded from the menu.
Treatment of prostatitis with garlic at home should be done very carefully. This product contains a large amount of phytoncides that fight viruses and bacteria. It is recommended to include garlic in your diet but consume it in small quantities. But compresses must be done very carefully.
The best way to prepare garlic water is:Chop a few cloves of garlic and cover with water. This product is suitable for mopping.
Single ingredient recipes
There are many traditional medicine recipes that help treat male diseases.Here are the most popular ones.
Radish or horseradish
You can cure prostatitis at home with juicehorseradishorradish, but it should only be freshly pressed. You should take this liquid before meals.1 spoon each. The juice must always be fresh and therefore cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Otherwise, all the beneficial properties of the liquid will be lost. In addition, contraindications must be taken into account. These include gastritis and stomach ulcers, especially during exacerbation.
Orchid-based decoction
Prevention of prostatitis at home includes the use of orchid decoction. This recipe is also suitable for treating diseases. You will need several tubers of this plant. They need to be dried. The product must then be rubbed thoroughly with your hands and poured over with cold water.
You need enough water to completely cover the product. Then you should add more0. 5 l boiling water. The mixture should now cook for 10 minutes. After that, the decoction should be doneLet rest for 30 minutes. Then filter and take 0. 5 cups three times a day.

Ginseng root
Symptoms and treatment of prostatitis are related. As soon as the first signs of illness appear, it is recommended to use this recipe immediately. Must take10 parts alcohol to 1 part ginseng roots.
Place the entire mixture in a glass jar and place it in a darkened room for a few weeks. When the medicine is ready, you should take 20 drops of this infusion several times a day.
How to cure prostatitis at home worries many men, as they do not want to go to the hospital with such a delicate problem. But it's best not to ignore the symptoms. As a home treatment, you can use a tincture based on Manchurian aralia. To prepare it you need to take it20g rootsthis plant and water0. 5 glasses of vodka. The medicine is infused for a week.
Then you have to strain it and take it40 drops distributed throughout the day. Then the tincture should be washed down with clean, plain water. However, you must take into account contraindications. These include high blood pressure, insomnia (chronic), heart disease and constant restlessness.
Treatment of prostatitis at home can be carried out using umbrella wintergreen. You need 1 tbsp. l. spoons of this ingredient per glass of boiling water. The product is infused for 2 hours. Then it needs to be filtered. Take 1/4 cup three times daily before meals. Gradually, the symptoms of prostatitis disappear.
Treatment of prostatitis at home is also carried out using hemlock. It proves to be a very effective remedy that relieves intermittent bladder emptying and other unpleasant symptoms. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 2 parts of the seeds and leaves of this plant (they must first be dried and crushed). Then you need to add 4 parts of alcohol to the mixture. The medicine is infused in a darkened room for a few weeks.
IncludedThe glass container must be constantly shaken.Then the medicine must be filtered. You can only take 2 drops of this infusion, dissolved in a tablespoon of water. The course lasts 5 days. However, before taking such a medicine, you must consult a doctor.
Medication for prostatitis
You definitely need to know how to get rid of prostatitis. It is not necessary to use only one-component decoctions and infusions. Herbal preparations and mixtures with other products are very effective.For example, such recipes are considered popular.
fruit mix
You need to take 1 tirebanana, 1Pear(it must also be ripe) and 400 gStrawberries. Then add another tablespoonbrewer's yeast. You should only squeeze the juice out of pears and strawberries and then add the remaining ingredients. Everything must be mixed thoroughly to form a homogeneous mass. It should be taken three times a day before meals. Single dose – 1 glass.
Herbal collection
With this herbal mixture, the treatment of prostatitis in men can be carried out at home. They need to be crushedHawthorn berries, dried linden inflorescences. You also need to addThyme, currant leaves (red only), fireweed, sweet clover, mint, wintergreen and rose petals (red only).
All components must be thoroughly mixed, then pour boiling water over a spoonful of this mixture, cover the container with a lid and wait half an hour. If the medicine is infused, it must be filtered and taken half a glass in the morning and at bedtime.
Sinyukha and Adonis
You can make a healthy tea from these two plants. With cyanosis you only need leaves, with Adonis you need both tubers and leaves (the latter only in fresh form). Such herbs help eliminate congestive prostatitis. In addition, the drug is used for acute forms of the disease.
Honey, aloe and wine
To prepare an effective medicine, you need 500 g of aloe leaves. They must be cut from a plant that is at least 3 years old. Then rinse thoroughly and mince with a meat grinder. Then add the same amount of natural honey, it should be fresh and unsweetened. All components are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous paste. You can then add another 500 ml of fortified wine to this mixture.
The container with this composition should be covered with a lid and refrigerated for a week.Before using this medicine later, you must strain it.
It helps fight prostatitis, both acute and chronic. Taking this medicine lasts a month. You need to take the infusion one teaspoon before meals. After a week, the dosage is increased to 1 tbsp. l.
What else applies?
You can treat prostatitis according to another recipe with the addition of wine.
It is necessary to peel and chop 300 g of onions to a mushy state. Then add 100 g of liquid fresh honey and 600 g of wine. But this recipe only uses dry whites. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and then stored in a cool place for a week. Every day the container must be shaken and turned over. Then strain the liquid and take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.
Treatment methods for prostatitis are very diverse, so some recipes may seem completely unusual.
E. g. ,You can mix horseradish and walnut leaves.First you need to rinse the horseradish, peel it and chop it thoroughly until it forms a paste. Walnut leaves also need to be washed and chopped. You will need 8 tablespoons of horseradish and 2 tablespoons of walnut leaves. You can also add a few spoonfuls of basil (more precisely, the flowering tops of the plant). This intensifies the effect. All components must be thoroughly mixed and then poured with wine.
This time red is enough. You need 1 liter of liquid. The product is infused for one day only. It needs to be shaken regularly throughout the day. The next day, put the entire mixture in a saucepan and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Then wait until it cools down and strain. You need to take the drug 50 g every hour with an acute form of the disease or 100 g with a chronic course of the disease.
Enemas for the treatment of prostatitis
Every man should know how to do enemas for prostatitis, since this insidious disease can appear at any time. Of course, medications can be used for enemas, but various medicinal herbs are no less effective. You can use these recipes.
For a micro enema you need 1 tbsp. l. this herb in dried and crushed form. It must be filled with boiling water (volume - no more than half a glass). After that, the liquid with herbs must be treated in a steam bath for 30 minutes. This infusion should be used as follows: The liquid must be filtered andDo a micro enema every morning and eveninguntil the patient feels relief.
You need crushed and dry chamomile inflorescences. A spoonful of this raw material must be poured with 0. 5 cups of boiling water. After an hour the medicine is absorbed. It needs to be filtered and cooled. This infusion is used for morning and evening enemas.The process must be repeated until the signs of the disease disappear.
You need to take 10 leaves of this plant and pour a glass of boiling water over them. You then need to process the mixture in a steam bath for half an hour. After that, the broth can only be filtered and cooled. For a micro enema, half of the resulting decoction is enough.The process must be repeated twice a day- in the mornings and the evenings.
Everyone should know how to treat prostatitis at home. It is best to consult a doctor immediately. After the diagnosis, he will prescribe a series of medications. In addition, you can use a special device at home. Exercise therapy, massage, warm baths, enemas and proper nutrition are also prescribed. It is recommended to use traditional medicine recipes. Prevention and treatment of prostatitis are important measures that must be carried out in a timely manner.