For the statistics, 80% of men over the age of 40 years with a disease, such as Prostatitis. This phenomenon is typical and curable. It is important not to leave the disease, without attention, because on the background of Prostatitis is often detected, and other diseases. In the article we talk about the disease Prostatitis, what is it, what are the symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland in men there are and what are the possibilities for treatment. Also, you will find photos Prostatitis (how looks in men inflamed prostate).

Prostatitis in men
Many ask themselves: "What Prostatitis is?" Is an inflammation of the prostate gland in men. The structure of the reproductive organs of men means the passage of the urethra through the prostate, i.e., around the tube, the urine, the prostate. So, if there is a rise in the prostate, then there are problems with the rearing of the urine, such as iron, urea - channel compressed. So the higher the magnification, the prostate, the more urine is blocked, which zastaivayas in the body, begins to poison it. And this is not the only Problem that can occur on the background of an enlarged prostate.
The reasons for the emergence of
Not necessarily the disease, each man may occur at the age of 40 years. The development of the Prostatitis went on for a number of reasons.
They are as follows:
- The most important and most common cause for the development of Prostatitis of the process of the violation of blood circulation is. In turn, the causes of the violation of the circulation movement promotes deficiency and the occurrence of obesity.
- In the prostate gland inflammatory process can occur due to infection in the body. It can come after past diseases: gonorrhea, sore throat, tuberculosis or the flu. In addition, often Prostatitis and hemorrhoids go Hand in Hand.
- The Trauma of small pelvis leads to a deterioration of the blood circulation. Often, such injuries occur and the driver. Your work with the constant vibration, vibrations, and loads on the dam.
- Prostatitis sufferers and those who do not live a regular sex, the hormone levels, and there are chronic diseases of the genitourinary system.
- The immune system can also influence the occurrence of Prostatitis. In the prostate gland, inflammatory processes, stress, bad habits, improper diet can also occur due to duration. All of this means that the immune system is weak, and the organism can not fight with full force with infections that can enter the body. All of these components and lead to the emergence of an inflammation of the prostate.
- Not be excluded as a cause of Prostatitis constipation. Especially, if the disease is chronic, soon to appear, and problems with urination due to the emergence of Prostatitis.

There are some basic types of Prostatitis.
Depending on what type of disease is diagnosed in patients, the treatment totally depending on:
This name speaks for itself and means that the body appeared to attack infectious process, the by malicious bacteria. This shape tends to a rapid development and caused serious symptoms in a patient with fever and General malaise. In addition, the Patient begins to have serious problems with potency. Prostatitis in the chronic Form. This Form of the disease is very dangerous for men, since the disease develops gradually, and hidden. Called disease can have different causes, including Infiltration in the prostate and the disease-causing bacteria. Often can not cure acute Prostatitis can develop, and a chronic Form. If we talk about the symptoms, so they are the following: difficulty urinating, unpleasant sensations in the Form of small pain in the perineum, apathy, nervousness, and weakness throughout the body, greatly reduced Libido.
One of the first signs of a Prostatitis is frequent urination. If the disease is in the acute Form, is increased in the Prostatitis and the body temperature. Also, the Patient may observe the discharge in Prostatitis for example, if a patient is to purulent Prostatitis, during urination and at the defecation, and pus come out can be manifested. If the disease is Prostatitis man torment different types of pain in the testicles and the groin, lower back and back. In addition, this disease homeopathically on the emotional state of the man. He is constantly in a gloomy mood, irritable, noticed the lack of Libido. It is the noticeable lack of potency man is perceives as problems, not related to the prostate. Also, when such symptoms and signs of Prostatitis, is not manifested clearly, man must necessarily be attention to your health The disease itself is not going to happen, in the worst case, leads to the emergence of other diseases.

What to do in case of Prostatitis? The first thing that you need to have a diagnosis of Prostatitis. In order to determine whether such a disease such as Prostatitis, specialists are assigned to various studies for the assessment of General Information. Also, if a Patient comes with complaints, which are characteristic especially in the case of the prostate, the doctor must examine the patient rectally. Also, when the patient to a swab of the urethra will take. A single swab will fit in the Penis. The result of the smear can fully answer the question about the presence of the disease in a patient. In addition, you also have to give a urine sample, experts recommend send to research and sperm. This helps to fully determine the state of sexual function in patients in whom Prostatitis was diagnosed. You take in the army with Prostatitis? The answer to this question is not clear. It all depends on the Form of the disease and possibilities of treatment.
The disease is Prostatitis — inflammation of the prostate, the medicine is known since a long time. But it is quite difficult to treat. And if the sharp shape can fix them quickly, is the chronic Form of Prostatitis and can't help but adjustments. Also, many scientists in this area have their point of view on the possibilities of treatment of Prostatitis.
But there are unique points, which no doubt is none:
- How effective the therapy is, depends on how soon after diagnosis the treatment starts.
- The treatment should be integrated and taken into account all the characteristics of the Prostatitis.
- A single drug for treatment. If you are helping a Patient, it is not the fact helps that another.
If you are diagnosed with Prostatitis, is the tactics of treatment of this disease is the following:
- The Patient should comply with bed rest.
- The ingestion of antibacterial drugs.
- The taking of drugs to improve the situation, the blood circulation.
- The ingestion of analgesics, which are at the same time in the location and eliminate the inflammation.

In the case when the emptying of the urinary bladder can not be observed themselves, or abscess of the prostate gland, then surgical intervention is required. Taking antibiotics are also essential in the treatment. If the disease is in the acute Form, and there are signs of poisoning, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the tablets, since the delay can be dangerous.
Preventive Actions
With regard to the prevention of Prostatitis, the first thing experts recommend is to teach people lie in their spare time on the Couch, and to move always. Just take a walk or go to the store. Also, men should give up bad habits, especially Smoking, as the prostate gland, the and oxygen-undergoes a lack, while Smoking and not at all the desired recording blood supply. Minimize the number of Stress. It is important to clean yourself to teach all the negative thoughts out of your head, and have fun, for example, at the time, with the help of family or friends. Should not be running your health and think — it doesn't concern me. Even the constant slight under-cooling, which can and does not cause SARS, the Mechanisms of the development of the inflammation of the prostate gland. If the vehicle with heated seats, must be included.
Structure and function of the prostate
The prostate – the male unpaired Organ is usually a small size. Photo of the prostate in men, shows its location: it is located in the Central part of the basin in anastomosis ejaculatory ducts and the urethra. Looks like an upside-down chestnut. Anatomy structure, which are clearly visible on the photo:
- Top and base;
- Front, rear and nizhnevolga surface;
- the left and the right lobe, the Isthmus, a score, the gland is divided into two halves.
Only 25% is attributable to the elastic muscle fibers, and the Rest – on the glandular tissue. It conditionally can be divided to each of the zones:

- Central – 25%;
- peripheral – 70%;
- Pass-through or counter-clockwise – 5%.
Depending on the age of the Person dimensions of the prostate can change. As a newborn, it is reduced not more of a large pea, of a man of middle years – 2x3x4 cm and a weight of approximately 20 g. In the case of older people with age-related Involution of the organ in the size. In spite of the compact size and inconspicuous appearance, the prostate (see photos) fulfills important functions in the body, which is not understood yet completely.
- Creates the secret of the prostate gland, the seminal fluid is diluted, and ensures the viability of the sperm.
- Stimulates the production of prostaglandins involved in the complex Mechanisms of erection and in the production of testosterone.
- Promotes the formation of orgasm, and ensures a rapid evacuation of semen from the urethra.
- On the reflective layer prevents the urine in the semen, or the involuntary exit of the urethra.
The defeat of the glands of the body leading to a complexity of many processes and affect the physiological and emotional state of a human being.
Prostatitis, as a common male disease
Prostatitis belongs to the category of urogenital pathologies. Today it is considered to be the most common, and is much "younger", because men between the ages of 25 to 55 years, and at the peak of the sexual activity are at risk. Experts distinguish several categories of diseases. The nature of the lesion is dependent on the habitus of the patient:
- In men who have regular sexual intercourse, in the Form of an acute inflammation.
- In the case of people of middle and advanced age – in the Form of chronic Prostatitis, adenoma (hyperplasia) or carcinoma (malignant Tumor, cancer).
- In people who were exposed to radiation (or other species) castration – complete atrophy of the organ.

In clinical medicine, there is a clear Definition of the pathology. It is inflammatory disease of the prostate gland, factors which may be fungal infections, and infectious lesions, congestion, aging processes, but also violations in connection with the depletion of the male body. Struck the prostate swells and grows in size along the urinary channel, press the urethra. In this case, the main occurs symptom of the disease – difficulty urinating. To show Prostatitis in men in the photo well, instead of the gland changes.
According to the statistics, the prevalence of the disease into categories in the following image:
- acute – 5%;
- chronic bacterial – 10%;
- chronic abakterialniy – 80%;
- chronic asymptomatic (pelvic pain syndrome) – 5%.
Symptoms of inflammation of the prostate
To clarify, the cumulative symptoms on the photo, what is Prostatitis in men. Clinic manifestations in the acute and chronic Form, are significantly different. However, in both cases, no treatment aggravated the Problem, leading to the development of various complications. So the first show signs of disease, you should learn more with you to get to know.
The first signs of the disease
In spite of the multiplicity of symptoms, Prostatitis in men, characterized by the features in the photos, and the availability should be warned.

- Discomfort in the urethra: burning, irritability, and pain.
- The increase in the temperature of the body.
- Pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
- The weakening of potency.
- The frequency of the urge increased to urinate.
Symptoms of the acute and the chronic Form
Among common characteristics of reactions assumed to imply, point to the development of inflammation in the body. Experts note the following characteristics of the primary resulting the pathological process in the active Phase of its currents.
- Hyperthermia, wherein the degree of increase in temperature depends on the activation of inflammation. This Symptom is characteristic of both acute bacterial and viral Prostatitis.
- Headache and General weakness.
- Chills. Fever is also indicative of the infectious Form.
- Pain in the joints and the muscles.
- Nausea, in special cases, the vomiting ends.
- Severe pain in the groin, perineum, worse during defecation.
- Shortness of breath and pain when urinating not to let the relief, and accompanied by a feeling of incomplete emptying.
Delayed treatment or its absence leads to the chronicity of the process. In this stage, symptoms, oiled or expressed in the Form:
- Disorders of bladder emptying;
- the periodically occurring pain;
- lack of sex drive;
- depressive States, prolonged Depression;
- Fatigue, Weakness, Headache, Loss Of Appetite.

In spite of the deleted symptoms, chronic Prostatitis treatment requires, on the photo you can see how the prostate looks at the advanced stage of the disease. The pathological process, over time, leads to irreversible consequences, to hurt more and more, the glandular tissue and interfere with their function.
Now you know all about the disease Prostatitis in men. Everyone should pay a great attention to their health, because the male Prostatitis is a common disease that must be treated with the advice of a doctor. The Form can have serious consequences runs.