Even the Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland (prostate). Iron is located under the urinary bladder, the optiva urethra. And at the slightest inflammation, the prostate begins to grow, so peredelyvala urinary tract channels. As a result, problems with the hike in the toilet and in severe pain. Very often, Prostatitis is manifested in men after 30-35 years. About 80% of older men to a certain degree, of this disease suffer from. So now 30% of young guy of 20 to 30 are prone to this disease. In this article, we describe in detail how to determine correctly, the first symptoms of Prostatitis to diagnose how exactly the disease is and what you need to do in the first place, after the confirmation of the diagnosis.

Signs for the development of Prostatitis
How do you show a Prostatitis? The doctors usually mark the 6 signs of ringing Prostatitis. If the man noticed at least 2 characters from this list, then it is necessary, you should consult a doctor:
- Weak to the bottom of the case, the end of the urinary stream with a low range;
- Stuffy moments when urinating;
- Disease symptoms urinating;
- The duration of urination, spraying of urine, intermittent Jet;
- Incomplete emptying of the bladder;
- Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night.
The doctor is always able to determine the first signs of Prostatitis in men and the treatment after the diagnosis is performed in a timely manner, with a positive result.
Causes of pathology
Experts say, over the next causes of the formation of the disease:
- Weakened immune system – reduces the protective barriers, the emergence of many viral infections;
- Infectious processes – viral elements, germs, bacteria, through the lymphatic or blood channels in the prostate. A sign of this phenomenon – the increased temperature in the Prostatitis;
- Lack of exercise – caused disturbances in the blood supply, oxygen deficiency;
- Disturbances in the blood circulation as a result of the stagnant moments in the genital area occurs due to the disordered sexual life, of a long abstinence from intercourse, irregular sexual sexual relations.
Inflammation in the prostate can start to, due to the penetration of germs, but for the development of the infection is necessary pathogenic micro flora, which are created due to the following factors – the presence of harmful dependencies, constipation, hormonal disorders, injuries, hypothermia and so on.
The main causes of Prostatitis in men, you can call:
- Hormonal disorders — it is a Version, that the increased production of testosterone.
- Negative impact on the prostate tissue, resulting in their Proliferation and inflammation. No less dangerous, and hormonal insufficiency, weakens the urogenital function.
- Violations of the immune status, if the organism is working "at the Limit", he reduced the protective functions. He is not able to resist the penetration of bacteria and viruses, from the outside it can't handle or with relapses of chronic processes.
- Passive sex life — a man with irregular intimate relationship that suffers from Stagnation, which cause inflammation.
- Incorrectly chosen tactics of sexual intercourse — it is no secret that many couples practice as a contraceptive method, coitus interruptus. You can't imagine that the full discharge of sperm thereby prevent. In addition, to be disturbed by PAP Mechanisms of outflow and the blood rushes to the organs of the lesser pelvis and contributes to the maintenance of a full-fledged erection.
- Lack of exercise men — leads to Stagnation.
- Urethra flow to back — on the background of bacterial lesions of the urethra. In case of violation of the Mechanisms of the reverse flow of urine, part of the seed falls into the ways and bacterial infection of the prostate gland comes.
- Violation of the food mode-when in the diet of healthy food is available, with a predominance of the disadvantage of animal fats and proteins and fiber, homeopathically on the hormones and the full-fledged work of the intestine.
- Excessive physical activity, especially with the application of steroidal drugs.
- Hypothermia — lead to a reduction in the immunity and development of pathogenic Flora.
- Disorderly sexual life increases the risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted infections in men are often hidden in the tissue of the prostate to beat. According to studies, the in 78% of cases the cause of the inflammation directly or indirectly, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, giardinelli, gonococci.

The prostate has its own self-protection Mechanisms: there is a secret produces, the anti-bacterial properties. But can not cope in the presence of aggressive pathogenic factors with the load and inflamed. Men in active reproductive age (18-50 years), more often with acute Prostatitis. In the middle ages, the main causes of Prostatitis are a lack of exercise are only a small and irregular sexual life. It was during this time that an acute process, its symptoms are not noticed, not timely treatment to started, has all the opportunities in chronic to move on. For the male population over the age of 50 years of the prostate:chronic Prostatitis, adenoma, adenocarcinoma, is characterized by three pathological process. In this case, the surgical treatment in combination with and this by a hormone therapy to other methods.
Symptoms of the pathology
How do you show a Prostatitis? Important symptoms, the urge to the occurrence of Prostatitis – an unpleasant process of urine, painful sensations in this Moment. Frequent urge to urinate in small portions, is a Testament to the development of the pathology. The initial phase of the pathology asymptomatic can happen. Acute Form of the disease determine much easier a Manifestation of the pathology is always sudden, violent. Please note — the course of the disease due to the individual peculiarities of the organism of the individual Person.
Arrange the following symptoms of an inflammation of the prostate gland:
- Pain in the perineal area;
- Processes of defecation accompanied by painful seizures;
- Potency disorders;
- Frequent Urination;
- General General Feeling Of Being Unwell;
- A feeling of fullness of the urinary bladder;
- Secretory phenomena from the urethra during defecation.
Painful attacks with the development of the pathology
Pain in Prostatitis in men by a precise localization. In the absence of the treatment of pain and seizures are liable to increase, apply for other sex organs. In advanced situations, the development of the acute Phase of the disease, the adenoma is. Regular painful bouts lead to uncomfortable way of life to find, the development of neuroses in their of the male sex, impaired quality of life.
In General, pain arising in the following points:
- In the process of urinating;
- During the erection;
- When sexual contact;
- After the completion of the sexual activity;
- During A Bowel Movement;
- Due to the long abstinence, or, conversely, indiscriminate sexual relations;
- After Cooling;
The lower part of the back begins to pain, if the pathology develops outside of the prostate. Painful attacks either dull or sharp. Because of the neglect of the pathology of pain sensations are able to last for a long time. Also the pathology in the area of the prostate characterized by dull or sharp pain attacks in the groin, rarely in the legs.
Elimination of painful sensations possible with the help of the following methods:

- The Massage of the prostate gland;
- Phytotherapeutic Treatment;
- Hormonal methods of healing of pathology;
- A special diet to normalize the condition of the Person;
- Anti-bacterial ways to eliminate harmful elements;
- The use of blockers for oblegchenno effect urination.
Symptoms of acute Prostatitis
- High Temperatures;
- Severe pain in the Perineum, in the groin, above the pubic bone;
- Pain when urinating;
- Poor Overall Health;
- Potency and other.
In chronic Prostatitis, the clinical picture is often blurred. The symptoms are absent at all. Therefore, the decisive role in this case belongs to the prophylactic studies, whose goal is the determination of the beginning inflammation of the prostate gland.
Symptoms of chronic Prostatitis
- Emerging and fast enough persistent pain in the Perineum, groin, above the pubic bone;
- Decreased Sex Drive (Libido);
- The duration of the sexual intercourse change (in some cases, rapid ejaculation, in others — a significant prolongation of sexual intercourse);
- The change in the nature of the sexual sensations (reduction in the brightness of the orgasm);
- The appearance of the secretions from the urethra, especially in the morning (prostatorrhea).
Diagnostic Measures
The doctor may be signs of Prostatitis in men and their treatment in a timely manner assigned to the show. For the determination of the Prostatitis to a urologist, the an inspection and has other important methods of diagnosis:
- Medical examination for the compilation of the entire clinical picture;
- The collection of analyses of the urine;
- Experiments on the determination STD;
- Determination of the presence or absence of an infection, a swab from the urethra;
- Analyze The Ejaculate;
- Ultrasonography of the genital organs;
- Urography;
- Biopsy for suspected cancer-like symptoms.

Method for the treatment of Prostatitis
What treat this pathology? After the diagnosis of the disease, the doctor will determine the scheme of treatment of a pathology, in General, a holistic approach consisting of the following moments:
- Anti-bacterial therapeutic options specialist appoints the course of the intake of drugs, namely antibiotics for the elimination of harmful trace elements, the to the prostatitis. Also you can lower the temperature;
- Physiological effects, for example by Laser, ultrasonic waves, electromagnetic oscillations.
- Used herbs traditional methods of treatment – warm baths, treatments with healing;
- The Massage is done in the area of the prostate gland – he frees the channels of Stagnation, improves the blood supply to the genitals;
- Phytotherapy – the use of decoctions of useful medicinal herbs, dietary Supplement helps strengthen the immune system, fighting infections;
- Psychotherapeutic methods due to Prostatitis in men, negative psychological problems develop, the trust, the fears appear to be during sexual acts;
- Surgical treatments for advanced and severe stages of the development of the pathology, such as abscess of the prostate;
- Correction of the immune system – the doctor may prescribe certain vitamins, minerals, trace elements for strengthening the immune system of the patient;
- A balanced, proper diet for Prostatitis, alcohol, Smoking, fatty foods, limiting the use of salt as well as drinking more plain water – at least 2 liters per day.
When late begun treatment of Prostatitis a number of complications can occur, characterized by:
- Obstruction of the urinary bladder with acute urinary retention, requires the use of surgical procedures for the treatment;
- the transition from the acute Phase of Prostatitis to a chronic course;
- Development of any Form of male infertility;
- recurrent cystitis;
- Contraction, scarring of the urethra;
- Pyelonephritis, other pathologies of the kidney;
- an abscess of the prostate, requires a surgical intervention;
- Sepsis, life-threatening to patients (the most vulnerable patients with a weakened immune system, Diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency).
It is important to know! Pathology can lead to prostate cancer (observed in 7% of men over 50 years) is that seriously a man's life is adversely affected, and then and death.
From what a disease could appear
Prostatitis has several types, specific causes for the emergence of diseases.
The main factors that provoked the emergence of Prostatitis, the following:

- The Infection. The bacteria in the prostate in various ways. Young men who have sex without a contraceptive method (condom), have a high risk of the disease due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, Mycoplasma, etc.). Apart from this, the occurrence of Prostatitis occurs as a result of any use of the chronic internal diseases. Harmful bacteria in the prostate to achieve with the flow of lymph or blood. Pathological microorganisms can also "descend" into the prostate through the urethra. The disease is caused by diseases of the urinary system (urethritis, Pyelonephritis) in the case of weakened immunity.
- Stagnant Processes. They manifest in being overweight, sedentary way of life, as the micro-circulation of the blood in the organs of the small pelvis disturbed. To the prostate in the future is not the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.
- Injuries. Due to the mechanical damage to the tissues and organs of the small pelvis (the omt programme) Stagnation occur, the inflammation process provoked. Such cases are common in truck drivers in force of the professional activity in connection with a long-term sitting Position and the standing Trauma chair, bubbly of the omt by the program.
The opinion of the doctors. Urologists know that Prostatitis is a lifelong diagnosis. If the treatment does not give quick results, then the man should not give up and think about whether he fulfilled absolutely all the rules. Only joint actions and efforts of the doctor and the patient, trust in the success of the therapy, helps men to feel healthy, so wholesome.