The most common disease that is the representatives of the stronger sex in the age of over 30 years, as Prostatitis. This disease can cause severe pain man, accompanied by violation of the normal process of water and, in severe forms, can cause erectile dysfunction and serious problems in the relationship with the partner.
To avoid such undesirable consequences, it is recommended that upon the occurrence of the first symptoms a specialist to visit and start immediately the treatment of Prostatitis.
Practiced are the most effective ways of treatment of this condition include: the use of antibiotics, the treatment of Prostatitis herbs, the implementation of therapeutic exercises, the execution of the rectal Massage, tonirovanie and implementation of appropriate prevention measures.
Here, you will get maximum results of the treatment is the latest method – the effects of shock waves (UHT).
In this article, we will detail the existing methods of dealing with Prostatitis, also you will be familiar with its forms, signs and causes. We hope that the following information will help you make the right conclusions on the prevention and control of this disease.
What Prostatitis is?
Prostatitis is a disease that is common in representatives of the male sex and is characterized by inflammation of the prostate, below the bladder.
A characteristic feature of this disease is considered pain syndrome in the area of the perineum, back or abdomen. At the same time the urethra process is violated, and during the ejaculation, the pain appear sensations.
In addition, the disease can go hand-in-hand with the advent of the vezikulita, adenoma of the prostate gland or an inflammation of the urethra.
Among the factors that a similar pathology: violation of hormonal processes in the body, hypothermia, bacterial infections, malfunctions of the circulatory system in the pelvic area, injury, irregular sexual life.
In the risk group more often men come up to the age of 50 years.
Types and forms of Prostatitis

The treatment of Prostatitis is depending on the Form of the disease. For example, a bacterial Form of the disease, both chronic and acute character. For non-bacterial inflammation of the prostate is characteristic for a chronic course. In patients with such a pathology, all the signs of the disease, as the presence of bacteria as a secret.
In the acute Form of infectious Prostatitis the rapid increase in the number of pain observed against the background of General intoxication of the organism. Chronic Prostatitis have less severe symptoms, and treatment in this case, a slightly different character.
And if in case of acute disease, if possible, full recovery of the patient, to the treatment of chronic Prostatitis can lead to relapses. You have to remember, during the implementation of therapeutic measures at home.
It should be noted that the disease occurs most contagious character frequently in men over the age of 35-45 years, and can.upon contact with urine in the prostate
If a man is diagnosed with acute Prostatitis, the treatment must be accompanied be must the ingestion of antibacterial drugs. In the case of chronic non-infectious Form of the disease, the use of antibiotics may not be the desired result.
Causes of Prostatitis
As already mentioned, the list of causes that trigger inflammation of the prostate, can be varied. However, the most common Prostatitis diagnosed with the representatives of the stronger sex, which lead to irregular love-life exposed, and thermal factors. The pathology occur on the background of injuries of the genital organs, weakening the immune defense of the body, blood circulation disorders in the pelvic area and, as a result of the hormonal changes.
Another important reason, provoked the disease of the prostate, is an infection during unprotected sexual intercourse. In some cases, symptoms of the disease occur in people with malignant tumors or Urolithiasis.
In 80% of cases, the emergence of a bacterial Form of the disease associated with the presence of Escherichia coli and other infections. In addition, the occurrence of congestive processes blood vessels due to the insufficient flow of blood in the tissues of the prostate, due to the dominance of the small blood in this area.
Early signs and symptoms of Prostatitis in men

In the acute stage of Prostatitis, the Patient undergoes a drastic increase of the body temperature, the emergence of pain in the lumbar spine, pain and chills in the joints and muscles. Also in the case of many men an increase in the size of the prostate and the occurrence of complaints in the area of the dam is observed. Frequent urination and turbidity of urine are also part of the disturbing factors.
Gradually, the intensity of the pain increases, which is usually during the pressure on the prostate. Depending on the development of the disease in the above-mentioned features pain added in the area of the Penis and lower back. In some situations, discomfort in other areas of the body, and a burning sensation during the process of the urinary tract may.
The acute Phase of the disease by a General, General-noise syndrome. Sometimes, on the background of local inflammatory processes, septic disease, the blood, may develop purulent -. In this Situation, the man immediately to the hospital: the treatment of Prostatitis with Sepsis should be exclusively in the clinic.
In the case of chronic Prostatitis of bacterial nature often has no symptoms, and the need for treatment occurs only when there is a detected infection of the urinary System, manifested on the background of complications of the disease. It is painful sensations in the time of ejaculation, the appearance of blood in the ejaculate can occur, the presence of the secretions from the urethra. Also, due to the above-described symptoms in men erectile dysfunction may develop.
Diagnosis, as Prostatitis to determine?

Comprehensive diagnosis for this disease is considered to be the key to an accurate diagnosis. In this condition, the fulfilment of which is the examination of the patient and the patient's medical history. With the aim of identification of swelling and pain in the area of the prostate, a doctor, a Palpation of the walls of the rectum leads.
Came to on the basis of the information received, the conclusion about the necessity of the implementation of the seed of the urine, what is the exact causes of the infection. For reliable results, the three Test-specimen: urine, at the beginning of the urinary tract process; their middle part are compared; the secretions, which during the Massage of the prostate after completion of the process water. The treatment of Prostatitis in men is considered to be necessary, if a large number of bacteria.
In order to avoid errors in the diagnosis of this disease, you need to confirm the fact of absence of the Patient diseases, such as inflammation of the Appendix, cancer of the prostate, inflammation in the area of the bladder and kidney, prostate adenoma, and uncontrolled urination.
Also, the Patient should be removal of the blood, by MRI (or CT) and an ultrasonic examination of the prostate and the surrounding organs.
If it is possible, intimacy with Prostatitis?
Giving up Sex is only to be recommended when the disease has been called sexually transmitted infection, because there is a likelihood of infection to the partner.
If it is a chronic Form of the disease, intimacy as permissible and even useful, because in the course of minimize stagnant processes in the area of the small pelvis can.
However, chronic Prostatitis in men, it can need a serious treatment, since it is often accompanied by premature ejaculation and a complete inability to a sexual act to commit. In this Situation, experts advise to a woman, the understanding towards the Partner and the necessary moral support during the passage from him to the healing procedures. Thus, you will avoid many problems in personal relations in the future.
The scheme of treatment of Prostatitis: effective methods
In consideration of the foregoing, it can refer to the following therapeutic measures, which allow the maximum Wellness effects:
- Elimination of signs of an infectious disease through the use of special anti-bacterial medication;
- Strengthening of lymph flow, local opportunities. This allows for the removal of damaged cells, in the area of the urethra and of the prostate. In turn, removing "slag" from the tissue creates a fertile ground for the restoration of function of the affected organ;
- Strengthening of the lymphatic flow in the area of the small pelvis. This prevents the formation of stagnant processes in the future;
- Improvement of vascular tone, resulting in the faster allocation of the venous blood from the organs of the small pelvis.
In the next section we will consider the traditional and the latest methods of treatment of Prostatitis, allow the realization of the principles referred to above.
Effective medications for the treatment of Prostatitis
Next we talk about the treatment of Prostatitis , and we will consider the most effective medication, which can be used in order to reach this goal. These include:
- Anti-infectives. In General, the intake of such medicinal products begins with "blind", due to the long delivery times, implementation of analyses and decrypt – far more than 7 days. In the initial stages, the Patient is recommended, anti-bacterial agents, which are capable to influence on the most common pathogens of infections. After receiving the results of the analyses, the preparations for the treatment of Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate separately to be picked up can;
- Drugs, which enable it to pain quickly and reduce the temperature of the body. The symptoms of the disease greatly facilitate;
- Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists, and agents in the same way. To eliminate allow the normalization of muscle tone, swelling in the area of the prostate and the urethra repair process;
- Application of a physiological saline solution, the effect of the direction on cleaning the body of toxic substances (toxins).
It should be noted that the use of antibiotics for Prostatitis in men , and is a special treatment scheme, this allows for a rapid improvement in the condition of the patient. But in the case of the violation of the lymph flow, there is no full-fledged cleansing of the tissues of toxic substances in the pelvic area, what is the probability of the occurrence of chronic forms of the disease can provoke.
If there is a chronic Prostatitis in men, associated with treatment, the application includes the following preparations:
- In spite of the absence of infection, are also effective means of anti-bacterial. In some cases, the study can't determine allowed to, the fact of the existence of bacteria, therefore we recommend to take timely measures to prevent their emergence and spread;
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. You have to pain a pronounced ability to resolve inflammatory processes and to lower the body temperature. However, in the case of prolonged use in patients can lead to severe functional disturbances of the gastro-intestinal tract and other organs and systems of the organism;
- Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists. Allow normalize urinary processes. The desired therapeutic effect of such drugs for half a year can be obtained when using.
Treatment of Prostatitis prostate Massage

If in the case of men diagnosed with Prostatitis, the treatment includes not only the taking of tablets, but also the fulfillment of a special rectal Massage. This procedure is carried out with the help of the finger through the rectum. Some of the sympathisers of relatives practice in the treatment of Prostatitis Massage in the home. Experts recommend not to do this, because to achieve the desired effect it is necessary to exactly comply with the order and direction of the Massage movements. The says about the feasibility of the implementation of such procedures, only the urologist of a high class.
In addition, the treatment of Prostatitis Massage undesirable practice in acute forms of the disease, which can provoke the rapid spread of the infection, lead to the emergence of various formations in the area of the prostate and of the rectum, urinary retention, and cause the development of dangerous processes in the urogenital system.
So, the treatment of Prostatitis Massage takes place only in the presence of the disease in the chronic Phase. When using the above method can significantly improve the condition of the prostate, namely the handling of stagnant in this area, and cleaning of the "execution course".
An Alternative method for those who for the treatment of Prostatitis at home, can tonirovanie, in which to the affected area effect of Sound-vibrations.
Among the most important benefits of vibroacoustic effects:
- The absence of necessity in the use of the rectal Massage, the depth of penetration of the sound waves, vibrations of up to 10 cm;
- The possibility of the treatment of Prostatitis in men, in this way, home;
- The possibility of influence on the entire area of the small pelvis, including the venous and lymphatic vessels;
- The improvement in the absorption ability of drugs.
For more information on the use of the device for the treatment of Prostatitis we are talking below.
The purpose of ing unanimously the carrying out of physiotherapy

The need of the physiotherapy in the case of the above-mentioned diseases, especially of the desire to improve Lymph movement of fluids in the venous caused. This is tension creating muscle is an important process, namely, biological vibrations. This suggests that the complex treatment of Prostatitis is not possible without the implementation of physiotherapy.
For the implementation of these objectives, special gymnastic exercises, which allow you strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, restore the blood circulation in this area and to minimize the processes. Also, the Patient is recommended to perform a daily walk, swimming, and walking.
The most effective and easy the following exercises apply:
- Simulation of the turn-Bike-pedals. Is done every day, in the position "lying";
- The Mixing and breeding of the legs is similar to a pair of scissors;
- Alternating tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles (they keep you in a state of tension at least 5 seconds);
- The use of EFX;
- Application of complex exercises Arnold Kegel, etc.
For the best effect, around the urethra to facilitate the process, the above-mentioned exercises should be in a regular mode. Also with regard to the prevention and treatment of Prostatitis is recommended a special feed are marked as training equipment for persons with reduced mobility. Similar antigipoksicheskoe fixtures play a vital role for men who spend a long time in a sitting Position. With the help of them to avoid overexertion of the back muscles and eliminate the formation of stagnant processes in the small pelvis.
Physiotherapy for Prostatitis

As already mentioned, by the method in tonirovania the effect on the affected area of the Sound, the vibrations, the identical muscular vibrations of the people, the accompanying process of physical stress.
This is a special device for the treatment of Prostatitis, this has a positive impact on the following areas:
- Inguinal Lymph Node. Improves the flow of lymph. From the tissue of toxins and damaged cells are removed, whereby the inflammatory process in this area. A similar effect can not be achieved, if the presence of Prostatitis in men and the treatment of drug;
- Department of the kidneys, responsible for the balance of electrolytes in the blood. In the event of his restoration to improve can reduce the ability of the muscles. In addition, it promotes the normalization of the venous Tonus and the state of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland;
- Smug and crotch strap. Improves the blood supply to this area. In addition, in the case of the Vibro-acoustic therapy in this area the efficiency of the use of medicines increases;
- The Lumbosacral Spine. Allows for the improvement of Innervation.
An important point is the absence of adverse consequences after the procedure, as well as the possibility of maintaining is to achieve a lasting success.
To be attributed to the positive effects tonirovania also can be:
- The reduction in the intensity of pain or its complete elimination;
- Restoration of normal urination;
- The normalization of erectile function;
- The amplification of the Libido;
- Increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
- The amplification of the effects of the drugs used.
UHT in the case of Prostatitis: the latest method of treatment of Prostatitis
Originally, the above-mentioned method was used for the crushing of stones in the kidney. Today, with the help of this method , the treatment of Prostatitis and other diseases of the male sexual organs.
The popularity of the treatment of Prostatitis due to sound waves because of the positive effects:
- The restoration of metabolism at the local level;
- Rapid elimination of the Stagnation;
- The effective control of inflammatory processes;
- The possibility of the crushing of stones;
- Elimination of pain during urination.
In addition, the device in the treatment of Prostatitis is aimed UHT on the elimination of edema in the area of the prostate and improve urinary system. How to claim the patient, the come are, you will experience the effect of the device for the treatment of Prostatitis, pain can ease after just a few treatments, UHT. There was a significant improvement in potency.
Another important feature of shock wave therapy strengthening of the blood supply of the prostate, which has a favorable effect on the erectile function in men.is
Here, you will get the desired Wellness effect can be mm due to the large depth of penetration of the sound waves into the affected tissues – up to 130.
However, when a Prostatitis, diagnosed, and his symptoms, and the Patient requires immediate treatment at home UHT process does not take place. In General, you will spend in a clinical environment, in intervals of one treatment per week, for 30 days.
Note that after the first session, the possible aggravation of inflammatory processes that already after 2-3 treatments, UHT. The practice shows that the improvement of the condition of the patient and the disappearance of seals in the area of the prostate occurs after 3-4 Manipulation. This testifies to the increased efficiency of this technique.
The only drawback in the treatment of Prostatitis shock waves is the price.
Prevention: how to prevent Prostatitis?

The desired result of the preventive measures, you must be a Patient first and foremost, the rules of intimate care. Not to also recommend, subject to a persistent under-cooling. An important point is the maintenance of a healthy diet. The constipation, it is advisable to refrain from products, since it can hinder blood circulation in the pelvic area.
Not less important is a regular and full-fledged process of letting the water. It is also desirable to have regular intimate contacts with regular partners, avoid stagnant processes and infections with sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, experts advise to do a dynamic warm-up and exercise.
The annual visit to the urologist is a Apache component is in the lives of men at the age of 30 years. The rejection of alcoholic beverages and the Smoking of tobacco products is also is one of the most effective measures of the prevention of Prostatitis.