The treatment of Prostatitis folk remedies in two cases: as a Supplement to the course of drugs in the acute Form of the inflammation and as maintenance therapy in chronic. An important prerequisite for the effectiveness of the methods - rate of application, adherence to diet and physical activity.
The advantages of the use of traditional medicine
The national recipes of treatment of Prostatitis based on the use of natural components, contain bioactive substances. With their help, you can do the following tasks to decide:
- Colorazione, activation of metabolic processes in the prostate (can be dangerous if calculous Prostatitis), diuretic effect, leading to the decrease in the swelling and improvement in the urination;
- Anti-bacterial effect on the urinary System;
- The recovery of damaged cells of the prostate (regenerating effect);
- Stimulation of the local immunity of the gland (increase of the pathogens in the immune response to fight disease);
- The improvement of the erection and the quality of the seminal fluid.
Folk remedies in the knowledgeable application and the cost is significantly cheaper to manufacture dietary supplements.
Bee products
Bee products are a component of many drugs for the treatment of various forms of Prostatitis. Their anti-septic and immune-modulating properties recognized not only in national medicine, but also the official. You can buy them on the private websites of our beekeepers or seasonal honey fairs. Exact dosage and recommendations on the approval in each case of Prostatitis can the doctors give-apitherapeutic.
Propolis – resin-wood-kidney, enriches the secret of the glands of the honey bee. The main property – anti-microbial. On the Basis of Propolis to inhibit the activity of the streptococci and staphylococci, which often provoke bacterial Prostatitis. The substance also has a pronounced analgesic, metabolic (increases the speed of metabolism), and anti-inflammatory.
In the case of Prostatitis, Propolis is used in the following forms:
- The Tincture. Ratio: 5 G of Propolis 50 ml of vodka. Two weeks there. Take half a teaspoon (diluted in a glass of warm water) in the morning, in the course of the month.
- Candles rectal. A piece with a weight of 7 G of freeze in the freezer, chop. You melt goat 100 G fat badger take, bear), mixed with Propolis, slightly cool down, make candles. Insert in the rectum over night for two weeks. To repeat in case of chronic Prostatitis course of two months.
- Oil. Recipe: 200 ml, bring purified vegetable oil almost to a boil, dissolve 30 G of Propolis, keep it stirring on the water bath until the solution is homogeneous. The resulting oil for the night, the area between the testicles and Anus, lubricating it can also introduce into the rectum impregnated gauze swabs. The course of treatment of acute Prostatitis – month with a seven-day break in two weeks.

Propolis can be stored for up to 10 years, but for the treatment of Prostatitis better fresh use.
Ambrosia – Pollen, saliva-treated bees. Mona take tiger course, then one and a half month break. In Perge is very a lot of vitamins and trace elements, so there is a risk of hypervitaminosis. In the case of chronic Prostatitis dosage is half a teaspoon twice a day for half an hour before meals. Dissolve under the tongue. Do not drink you need. In acute Prostatitis, you will take the full teaspoon twice a day.
Save bee better in the fridge or in a mixture with honey. Otherwise it will be moldy quickly.
Be – dry bees that have died a natural death, the beekeepers in the spring, raked out of the hive. They contain large amounts of geparinoterapii substances, the reduction of the mass of the prostate gland, normalization of urination, and blood pressure.
A very effective remedies for Prostatitis − bees wax be in the Form of tinctures. For the preparation you will need: a half-liter Bank, dead bees, 1,5 L of vodka, 0.4 L of propolis tincture, empty two-Liter Bank, and the coffee mill. Recipe:
- Grind to be in a coffee grinder and grind into a empty can.
- Add the tincture of Propolis, vodka, mix.
- Implement it in a dark place for three weeks. Every two days shake.
Take tincture in chronic Prostatitis, adenoma. Rate: two tablespoons in the morning and in the evening, until the drug is over.
Medicinal herbs and other raw materials for the treatment of Prostatitis, with the help of phytotherapy, you can be self-collect or in the pharmacy acquired.
The tasty and good medium is a mixture of pumpkin seeds and honey (1:1 ratio). Eat before meals three times a day. Suitable as a background for the primary therapy of Prostatitis: saturates the body with vitamins, homeopathic antiseptic to the blood, the prostate zinc.
Use of ginger for the treatment of Prostatitis due to its following properties:
- Krivorozhye;
- Antiseptic;
- Stimulating Digestion;
- Antispasmodic.
Note that ginger in conflict with the medicines for Diabetes, and frequent consumption can increase blood pressure.
The recipe of the tincture of Prostatitis: 20 G grated on a coarse grater 150 G of roots pour vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark place. The finished tincture strain, drink 7 drops twice a day for half an hour before meals for one month.
Prevent exacerbation of chronic Prostatitis helps the ginger-honey. Recipe: grate 350 G of root, mixed with 170 G of honey. There are two teaspoons per day.
Onion skins
Onion skins contain more trace elements, vitamins and phytoncide (antimicrobial substances), as in the bulb. In the case of Prostatitis, shell apply to the following properties:
- Improve erections, increased Libido.
- The elimination of the blockage.
- Treatment of inflammation of the urinary tract.
- Excretion of toxins.
- The Stimulation of the blood circulation.
- Slightly diuretic effect.
For the treatment of Prostatitis, used in various forms:
- Tincture: crushed shell, pour the alcohol (a ratio of 1:5), insist 10 days, strain. You drink a teaspoon per day;
- Infusion: two tablespoons of Cup, pour two cups of boiling water, warm on a water bath for 15 minutes, to insist 5 hours. You drink one teaspoon three times a day;
- Decoction: pour the bowl with cold water (ratio 1:10), pokipyatit 20 minutes, cool. Drink half a Cup twice a day.
Of course the inclusion of the funds on the onion shells with Prostatitis is two weeks.
The bark of the aspen
In the aspen bark contains substances, blood thinners, pain relievers, and fever-lowering, which is a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect on the urogenital system. From the tree, the bark of a layer does not remove more than 5 mm, at the end of March — beginning of April. With Prostatitis , apply a decoction (effective against staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa).
Recipe: tablespoon of raw pour a glass of water, pokipyatit within three minutes, for one hour, then strain. In the case of Prostatitis, you take a Cup 20 minutes before meals for a quarter.

Parsley homeopathic anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties, normalizes the function of the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands, increases the tone of the urinary bladder and of the intestine. Decoction relieves the symptoms of Prostatitis and cystitis, relieves puffiness, normalizes blood pressure.
Recipe: 20 grams of Can, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Take a quarter Cup three times a day for a month.
Effective in the prevention of relapse of chronic Prostatitis is the bark of the horse chestnut. It contains more active ingredients than in the fruit. Drugs on the Basis of horse chestnut effectively the blood, dilute the decay promote edema, have a mild analgesic effect.
Tincture on the skin: 25 G measure peel chestnuts − fill pyatidesyatimetrovoy shot glass, carefully pour it to the brim with vodka, to two weeks in a dark place. After the completion of drain through a cheesecloth, wring out, dilute 150 G of water. Take 10 drops twice a day for a week and a half.
Decoction: remove the shell with two fresh chestnuts, pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, insist to cool. Third of a Cup of drink twice daily on an empty stomach. In the case of of acute Prostatitis – a glass.
Garlic has a strong bactericidal and krivorozchskiy properties. Particularly effective in congestive Form of Prostatitis. Recipes:
- Butter: garlic RUB on a fine grater, stir in 100 ml of vegetable oil, put it in the fridge for two weeks. You drink a teaspoon times per day during the meal.
- Infusion: six crushed pour 400 ml of hot (not boiling) water, let it cool off, then stir and leave for a further five hours. You take a month of twice daily 100 g.
- With honey: in a blender, on a grater or in a mill, half the onions, teeth, whole heads of garlic, all mixed with 250 ml honey. Take a tablespoon once a day for two weeks.
In case of complaints on the part of the gastrointestinal tract receiving garlic medium stopped.
Red Brush
This herb is a powerful adaptogen (strengthens the immune system of the body), improves the blood, increases the General tone, has a bactericidal effect. In the case of Prostatitis can be drunk as a tea, or collect:
- Elecampane root, red brush, and Angelica;
- Marigold flowers;
- Leaf plantain, lady's mantle, and clover;
- The fruits of Cranberries and coriander.
All of the components of the mixture in equal quantities, take two tablespoons of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Collect for 8 hours. You drink 80 ml three times per day for 6 weeks.

Application of the red root (he is Bearish, Gold, or kopeechnik) in the case of Prostatitis due to its following properties:
- Spasms of the blood, alleviates vessels, relaxes smooth muscles.
- Stimulates the production of prostate secretions.
- Enhances the blood circulation.
- Stabilizes the hormonal balance.
The recipe of broth: two tablespoons roots pour a Liter of boiling water, to insist hour. Drink a Cup before eating a third. To prevent nausea, it is recommended that drink milk. Take a decoction can weeks one and a half-two.
In the case of Prostatitis Dill is useful for its diuretic, carminative, anti-inflammatory properties. With the therapeutic goal of a decoction of the seeds: a tablespoon of pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, three hours. Take half a Cup twice a day during the week.
Remove the symptoms of acute Prostatitis help collect:
- The harrow and juniper berries (3 tsp);
- Lemon balm, horsetail, buckthorn bark (1 TSP);
- Fennel seeds (1 TSP).
Collection pour boil 500 ml of water, two hours. Drink 100 ml twice a day.

Burdock root
Burdock root in the case of Prostatitis, it is considered diuretic, General tonic and accelerates the metabolism in the medium. Broth promotes the quality of the cleaning of the intestine, reduces the concentration of inflammatory catalysts in the blood.
Recipe: 10 G of root pour a glass of water, then about 10 minutes the mixture on the water bath, then drain, leave to cool. Evaporated amount of water to be refilled. Drink half a Cup twice daily before meals for two weeks.
Juice of celandine is toxic (it is used in homeopathy). Useful action is only for reasonable use in small doses. Relieves the symptoms of Prostatitis at the expense of the analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic properties. Celandine contains a lot of zinc, Calcium, potassium, selenium, Vitamin C, carotene.
Recipe: a teaspoon of herbs, pour a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes. Take a teaspoon on an empty stomach three times a day. If within a week of negative reactions on the part of the body is not created, then the dose can be increased up to a tablespoon and makes the course for 10-14 days.
Black cumin
Seed oil of black caraway updated the composition of the blood, inhibits the development of intestinal infections (the stunned often the cause of chronic Prostatitis), improved immunity, improved erectile function,.
In the case of Prostatitis, it is used as follows:
- Every night, RUB the Butter with the back of the lumbar spine to the coccyx, as well as the area of the bar of the eggs to the Anus.
- Every day for two weeks, drink the mixture in a glass of water, strain, dissolve a teaspoon of honey, oil, cumin, dried chamomile flowers, hour to infuse.
The oil of black cumin is especially useful for men who suffer from Diabetes.
Aloe is a powerful bio-stimulator, so it should not take when there are indications of a strong increase of the tissue of the prostate gland (hyperplasia). The juice of the plant has a strong bactericidal and regenerating effect.
Recipe: a tablespoon of Aloe juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey. Do you eat a day on an empty stomach in the course of the month. Can be combined with the intake of antibiotics in acute Prostatitis.

Turmeric – a popular spice, its use in Prostatitis is due to the presence in the composition of the bioactive substance called Curcumin. It is a natural antibiotic and a powerful antioxidant, suppresses the inflammation on a molecular level. Turmeric has analgesic effect.
In the case of Prostatitis spice in a tea (half a teaspoon to a glass), dissolve under the tongue three times per day, a third of a teaspoon for 10 days. At the beginning of the treatment, even a feeling of heat and burning in the area of the prostate.
Mugwort has an anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory effect, but are you taking any medicines on the basis of their months longer is not (possible violation of the kidney, disorder of the nervous system).
In the acute Prostatitis turn to dry cut herbs. The first three days after onset of symptoms a pinch of swallow, must, every three hours (even at night) with water. In the next four days, alone, after 5-6 pinches, night-reception is aborted.
To complement the treatment of Prostatitis enemas can with a Sud: two tablespoons of herbs pour a glass of boiling water, one hour to pull. Flushing carried out in the course of the week.
Herbal tea
In the network active herbal remedies - herbal tea sold to the characteristic of ask price worthy products. Its rich composition suitable for the treatment of Prostatitis: calamus swamp, St. John's wort, Orchis, rosehip, burdock, nettle, peony, birch buds, parsley, Epilobium, Ginseng.
All of the components can be bought in the pharmacy, mixed in equal proportions and brewed as a normal tea (it is cheaper). With Prostatitis you should two cups of drink a day.
Cranberry accumulates a large amount of vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, organic acids, antioxidants. The berry strengthens the General immune system, literally disinfected reproductive organs, removes inflammation, relaxes the smooth muscles.
Cranberries can be consumed in any Form, both in chronic as well as acute Prostatitis. It is best to use fresh berries, but the nutrients are well-stored and in frosted.
Mountain tar
Substance of organic origin, occurs in the crevices of the rock ("mountain of tears"). Available in pharmacies in the Form of lumps, sheets or tinctures.
The recipe in the treatment of Prostatitis: 10 G of substance in one Liter of water, dissolve, drink twice a day, 50 g. means of access: 10 days, taking interrupted three days ' rest, then again 10 days taking.
Physiotherapy is an important part of treatment of Prostatitis. Some of the traditional methods in the home is not inferior in the efficiency of the medical procedures.
Pine baths
Pine baths – from the official medicine recognized remedy for Prostatitis. In the course of the proceedings, the strong blood circulation, the relaxation of the smooth muscles. Eliminates pain, swelling of the prostate, the VAS deferens are toxic substances.
For the procedure best suited to the needles of the pine, juniper, or cedar. You book better in the Winter, when the concentration of nutrients is at its highest. First, you need to concentrate: a glass of pine needles pour bring a Liter of boiling water, to boil, insist 2 hours, pour into a warm bath. Lying in the tub need not be more than 15 minutes.
Birch tar
Birch tar effectively pathology of urinary organs and urinary tract treated. In the case of Prostatitis, as follows use:
- Warm-up dream partner normal (not fire-resistant, not silicate) red bricks;
- Put them in an empty iron bucket;
- Drop 2-3 drops on the brick of the tar;
- Wrap the edge of the bucket with a soft towel and implement it to him.
Pairs of birch tar in the prostate to be warm and penetrate into the tissue. After 5-7 minutes will burn too strong, so that the procedure terminates (to avoid burns to the skin). After 2-3 sessions every day in the day view, the day for two weeks.
Moor Mud, Clay
Mud therapy – the most effective method of treatment of Prostatitis. Dirt from the bottom of the reservoir contain large amounts of bioactive substances, the tissue blood circulation and regenerating.
Peat mud from the soil degraded marshes. They are rich in minerals and hydrogen sulfide. In the case of Prostatitis is used in the Form of applications, or rectal swab. In the first case, the foil from the top of a preheated, you need to cover up dirt on the area between the scrotum and Anus, to, with a towel. The procedure takes about 15 minutes. A total of 20 interventions per day.
When rectal introduction of dirt acts as an active, really being absorbed directly into the prostate. For the introduction you will need a syringe with a capacity of 200 ml. Slightly heated mud is injected into the Anus lying. The procedure takes one hour, then dirt washed out with the help of a syringe.
In the case of Prostatitis useful in applications with a blue tone, which is superimposed on the are exactly like Mud. The procedure takes an hour, then clay accused. For the treatment of chronic Prostatitis 7 -8 sessions per day.
Saling warming – a kind views of the home of the physiotherapy. In acute purulent Prostatitis is not applied.
For the procedure, you need the usual large salt. You cook ten percent of a hot solution, soak a towel, wring it and place it on the area of the prostate. On a towel you can sit from 30 to 50 minutes. Repeat the process twice a day for a week.
The most important measures for the prevention of Prostatitis:
- The cleaning of the bile ducts cancer of the prostate: movement training, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, regular protected Sex.
- Care vessels: a well-balanced diet, Smoking cessation.
- The regular cleaning of the intestine (constipation).
- Elimination of inflammation: timely treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, dental caries, tonsillitis, Rhinitis.
For the prevention of exacerbations of chronic Prostatitis should forgo alcohol (a glass of beer can enhance the inflammation), avoid hypothermia, not to overload the prostate and prolonged transfer of Sex (using a variety of methods to delay ejaculation).
"After the treatment of Prostatitis antibiotics in the growing discomfort in the perineum, remained on a regular basis. Not more went to the doctors, was recovering turmeric. A third of a teaspoon of took up to 10 times a day. It's a bit much, but to me such a scheme helped".
"At the slightest discomfort in the prostate tincture Las Vegas drink to an under-water - and chew Propolis (a piece the size of a finger nail) – it all goes. In the spring and in the autumn of tincture of course take in two weeks for the prevention".
The time of occurrence of the effect from the application of the methods depends on the nature of the medium, the Phase of Prostatitis, presence of diseases of companion. On average, the symptoms after two weeks. Traditional methods are no substitute for medical treatment, the result of their application, it is desirable, periodically monitored by means of ultrasound.