The most important method to prevent the assist in the development of Prostatitis, the prevention. Experts agree that the cause of the Prostatitis – decrease in immunity and chronic sources of infection in the body. However, to minimize the forces of every human being, the factors that can cause inflammation of the organ. Especially, this applies to the representatives of the stronger sex, the older than 50 years. Started the disease brings with it many problems: lengthy treatment, severe complications and often also problems in private life, such as Prostatitis leads to disruption of the erection.
General preventive measures are divided into two types:
- The primary. The main goal – to prevent the development of the inflammatory process.
- Secondary. Developed for patients, which already have the disease. The objective of a transition to a chronic stage.
Prevention measures of the pathology include:
- Physical activity: walking, Jogging, skating, Tennis, Hiking, skiing.
- Gymnastics for the Stimulation of the muscles of the pelvis: squats, Kegel exercises, kick their feet, "Bicycle".
- Diet, which means a massive restriction on the sharp, spicy dishes, at the same time comprehensive products, rich in vitamins and fiber.
- The rejection of tobacco Smoking.
- A regular sex life. The type and frequency of sexual life is directly influence on the condition of the body. It is noted, however, that promiscuity is the source of the infection. Various sexual Perversion, a long abstinence, deliberate delay and a break in the action, sexual Perversion – these are the factors that negatively affect the condition of the gland. Regular Sex with a regular Partner – the perfect means for the prevention of Prostatitis.
- To avoid situations when the excitation lead to sexual intercourse.
- The rejection of the interrupted sexual intercourse, as a method of contraception is ineffective and harmful.
The most important components of the prevention

Concerns about their health should last the whole life. Preventive measures include the execution of simple activities.
- Training of the muscles. Passive lifestyle leads to the fact that the muscles lose their elasticity. This eventually leads to the expansion of the institution.
- Hiking. When you go to the Massage of the prostate. This has a positive effect on the condition of the body. In addition, daily walks in the fresh air is good for health in General.
- Massage. An excellent remedy for the prevention – professional Massage the lumbar region. Run it at least four times in the year.
- Diet. Proper nutrition is an important part of prevention of Prostatitis. You need to eliminate completely from your diet salty, sour, smoked products and increase the consumption of vegetables, cereals and fruit.
- Prevention of hypothermia. In order to avoid the development of inflammation, you have to be for the season to dress.
- Regular visits from doctors. As a precaution, have you checked at the urologist at least twice a year.
The adherence to simple measures of prevention is the maintenance of the health of the husband until old age.
Sex life with Prostatitis

In addition to physical exercises, Massage and natural remedies, prevention of Prostatitis includes another important aspect ‒ normal sex life.
- The patients suffering from Prostatitis, should be a regular love life with proven solid Partner.
- Interrupted sexual contacts need to exclude, because otherwise, this could be a Stagnation of the secretion.
- If no permanent Partner, do not use barrier contraception.
Physical Training at home
A passive life style is the cause of the Stagnation of blood in the small pelvis and leads to a deterioration of the blood circulation. You must exercise into your daily routine simple.
Particularly recommend:
- Activities Badminton and Tennis.
- "Production" gymnastics activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
- Hiking, morning exercise and Jogging.

Gymnastics at home – the easiest way to keep the health in good condition. Light exercise can satisfy any man
Any physical activity has a positive influence on the body, however, there are certain exercises for the prostate.
Exemplary exercises for the prostate:
- Straining the muscles of the perineum, which is trying to pull in your rectum. This exercise repeat at least five times in a row. In "clamped" Position to remain for about three seconds.
- Straining the muscles of the perineum, as if trying to interrupt urination. Do this exercise in the course of the day, over 200 approaches not less than four times.
- Relax and jam muscle group intimate zones alternately slows down and speeds up the pace.
- Relaxation exercises do compression Anus.
- In the morning you go tight, all muscle groups straining, then relax.
- You put your feet on the width of the shoulders. Slowly flat on the knees, crouching, to breed in Hand. Repeat at least ten times.
- On the spot, high knee lift.
- Lying on the ground. The exercise "Bicycle", up to the buttocks, or the calves, not the feeling of pleasant fatigue.
- You start with the usual sit-UPS, by bending 5-10 per day, gradually increasing the number of the knee.
- "Walking on the buttocks". Sit on the floor and try to "like" on the buttocks. Perform the exercise after 5 min of the day.
Grandma's recipes for prevention

Tried and tested traditional recipes from Generation to Generation, so you can use it for the treatment or prevention.
Folk remedies, for many years, used for the prevention of diseases:
- Fireweed take in a quantity of two spoons, pour half a Liter of boiling water and infuse for five minutes, then strain. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening (30 minutes before dinner).
- Oats in a quantity of two spoons, pour 700 ml of hot water, boil on low heat, the grains are soft. Drain and add 50 ml of fresh juice of parsley. Drink 100 ml.
- Minced meat kilograms of sunflower seeds and the same number of kernels of a walnut. Every morning, eat the crushed onion on a grater, and a tablespoon of the mixture of sunflower seeds and nuts.
- The green shell of the chestnut are in the Form of decoction and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. The shell hack, take two spoons of the mixture and pour half a Liter of boiling water. Close and leave for the whole night. You take in the morning 1 teaspoon. Healing composition keep in a cool place. Broth to drink until it's over.
- You can eat pumpkin seeds 25 in the raw every day half an hour before eating.
- Honey and Propolis are some of the best home remedies for the prophylaxis of the pathology.
Wellness Stimulation of the gland. Enough for some time to prevent the development of the pathology and forget. Self-Massage to bring relief. Therapeutic Massage of the institution to enable it to recover its normal work, wherein:
- Improves the blood flow and the amount of nutrients, which increases within the gland.
- The level of testosterone responsible for normal erections, increased.
- Muscle tone in the groin area increases, normalizes the work of the excretory ducts.
Recutita Prevention

- Medicines, thus reducing the inflammation in an Organ. Pills prescribe and in the acute and in the chronic Phase of Prostatitis. Drugs improve the metabolism in the body, alleviate swelling of the tissue. Painkillers – analgesics to relieve severe pain in the area of the scrotum and the lower part of the abdomen.
- Anti-biotic tablets to prevent the growth of bacteria and germs. Apply for the treatment of bacterial Prostatitis. Drugs promote the improvement of the protective functions of the body. In General, the agent is of animal or vegetable origin.
For the treatment of prostate cancer, the use of dietary supplements recommend that you have a Minimum of contraindications. These preparations rejuvenate the work of the genitourinary system, facilitate urination, stimulates the flow of blood in the prostate.
The prevention of Prostatitis – the pledge of men's health for the coming years, and this is the confidence, good mood, the feeling of the full value. It is the key to a long and happy life. Your health in your crabs!