In the treatment of diseases of the male uses a variety of means. In many cases, drugs against prostate adenoma in men are very effective and allow you to avoid surgery or postpone. When the medication is not uncommon for the side effects, which must be taken into account in the selection of the medication to occur.

If the drug shown treatment
Drugs for the treatment of male disease, according to indications, as a primary or additional treatment. Necessarily take into account the peculiarities of the disease, the condition of the organism of the patient and contraindications of drugs.
Drugs as a primary or additional treatment for
Indications for medical treatment
- No renal complications,
- The impossibility of the execution of the Operation,
- The re-development of adenomas repeated after surgical treatment.
The drug treatment is in the first stages of the development of pathology, if malfunctions are minimal, and no complications, reflected in the work of the kidneys. To carry out the surgical treatment, there are contraindications — advanced age of the patient, condition of the cardiovascular System.
- Serious injuries during urination.
- Residual urine volume more than 100 ml.
- Acute Urinary Retention.
- Hematuria.
- Stones in the urinary bladder.
More recently, the main method of treatment of male disease the surgery. With the Progres drug therapy, only 20% of men with such a diagnosis, the other to get an effective treatment with medications.
Drugs for the treatment of adenomas
There are such groups of drugs for the treatment of a disease:
- Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists;
- anti-bacterial agent;
- Inhibitors of 5-Alpha-reductase;
- Hormone preparations;
- herbal remedies.
If antibiotics are necessary
Antibiotic therapy, in cases of joining of bacterial infection. In this case, Gentamicin is used, Levorin, drugs from the group of cephalosporins. With antibiotics under the anti-press and improve urodynamics. In the selection of the drug, the possible contraindications for the reception taken into account.

Alpha-adrenoreceptor antagonists
Drugs from this group have a relaxing effect on the muscle fibers of the prostate. Stop muscle spasms and normalizes the process of urination. Make it easier with the help of Alpha-adrenoblokatorami is quickly reached. Many drugs of this group cause a significant decrease in blood pressure, which is why they are harmful men with low blood pressure. Such an effect deprived of the means on the Basis of Tamsulosin. These medications for bph are more than careful and may be prescribed to patients of advanced age, but also for those with such accompanying problems, such as Diabetes mellitus, bronchial Asthma, since they have a minimal number of side effects.
One of the most commonly used agents for the therapy of pathologies from the group of Alpha Blocker Omnic. Drug for the correction of functional disorders of the urinary organs. The effect of the treatment is shown already after 2 weeks of taking it. In the early stages of the development of the disease in patients effect occurs after the first dose. The drug belongs to vysokoselektivnym, i.e. homeopathically selectively, precisely on those institutions for which it is used, so that side effects rarely occur. On blood pressure Omnic puts no impact.
Omnic is available in capsules. Accepted once a day, one capsule after eating in the morning. This drug is contraindicated in severe hepatic insufficiency and in case of hypersensitivity to the components in the composition.
Inhibitors of 5-Alpha-reductase
Drugs of this group to get rid of the symptoms of the disease, as they prevent the progress of the disease, lead to a reduction in the size of the development of the pathology. This is achieved by the reduction of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which causes the hyperplasia of the prostate. After treatment with inhibitors of 5-Alpha-reductase and more than half of the patients do not need surgery. In the treatment with these drugs should be remembered that you need for your eyes time. Relief of symptoms of therapy can occur after 3-6 months. An important advantage of this medium is its effectiveness in larger adenomas in men.
Possible side effects are associated with inhibition of the sexual function, the weakening of erection, reduction of spermophobia. After the end of taking the medications the negative effects will disappear and the sexual function of the man made entirely.

Hormones in the treatment of the adenoma of the prostate
The application of hormonal preparations in the treatment of the adenoma of the prostate is due to the fact that it is just the hormones regulate the growth of the glandular organ of the body. In some cases, the synthesis of testosterone requires you to block, restrict and androgenic effect on the prostate. In the other, you need to increase the amount of male sex hormones. Such drugs are not all patients, since there is a considerable list of side effects.
Herbal Medicines
Pathology therapy drugs of vegetable origin, which are sufficiently effective, but have fewer side effects. You can build the process of water, increase the speed of the flow of urine to eliminate the inflammation. Some drugs effective in swelling, improvement of urinary eliminate the end of the function, not the reduction of Libido.
The effect of herbal remedies
- Inhibition of the growth factors of the prostate cells.
- Blocking Androgen Receptors.
- The suppression of the action of enzymes involved in the hormonal metabolism.
- Effects on tissue growth factors.
Phyto products today are in practical forms, which are ordered very often, and as a Standalone Tool, if necessary, exposed ends, and as a part of complex therapy.
The adenoma of the prostate is of great importance in the success of the treatment, the timeliness of the action plays. At the first sign of trouble you need to see a doctor. Today men is often self-treatment is administered, after reading the article about drugs supplements, reviews on the application. In the forums of the web pages, men problems, you will find many tips for the treatment of the adenoma. But self-worth not to engage, as this will only aggravate the Situation. Effectively, a comprehensive treatment with several drugs is the most. To choose correctly, it can only be an expert after the analysis of the data during diagnostic examinations.

One of the most common diseases in men, inflammation of the prostate gland is. Today, drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and Prostatitis you can find in any pharmacy, but you can buy yourself (without a doctor's statement) not worth it. The preparations differ according to the exposure, for adenoma and Prostatitis uses an established Schema. Which medicines are commonly prescribed by the doctors and how they act, learn in this article.
The main groups of drugs and the Mechanisms of their effect
Be the first to say something about the adenoma of the prostate is that it can not run. If you feel pain when urinating, it is likely you go to the clinic for urology, in order to identify a survey and disease, because of the reason every other inflammation, the formation of kidney stones can. In advanced cases of Prostatitis develops in the cancer tumor, but it can be cured with simple medicines don't work. Do not postpone the visit to a doctor.
What relates to drugs, so all of them are divided into the following main groups:
- With the androgenic drug is a component of many medicines for Prostatitis and contributes to the improvement of the Tonus of the Detrusor, that largely improves the water.
- With the progesterones – doctors call it the anti-androgenic. To reduce the use of drugs in this group, adenoma helps patients deaf Institute. Combine them with special treatments: Massage of the prostate, electrophoresis, phonophoresis.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs for Prostatitis based on herbs. Although they are not Sept as the most effective, but have a strong antiseptic effect. Under the herbs in the composition of particular value, sage, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile, Dill, parsley, nettle mention.
List of the best medication against Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate
From the options offered in the medicines you will be able to choose a suitable, however, how to cure adenoma of the prostate without surgery quickly and effectively you only the attending physician say. It is important to remember that the course of treatment consists of taking medications and other treatments, the rapid recovery of the patient. A Prime example, Massage, physiotherapy.

Rectal Candles
Candles for the treatment of Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate gland can be called the most effective. They have a wide natural effect, have the most positive impact on the area of effect. He came to the pharmacy, easily confused, because the range of a rectal suppository is so great that they choose the drug is difficult. But the doctors helped by the fact that among the drugs more effective, often prescribed for:
- Joined candles from Prostatitis. They improve blood circulation, have antiseptic, anesthetic effect. They are often prescribed to aware of with tablets, or physiotherapy. Candles have a very pleasant smell, but it has no influence on the effects on your skin. No contraindications of this drug has not.
- Candles with Propolis. Elimination of pain when urinating anti-inflammatory effect leave. A big Plus is the price of these candles – independent Ho. In addition, no side effects are not caused by the drug, therefore, their use as a preventive measure.
- "Prostatilen". These candles with indomethacin contribute to the removal of the swelling, inflammation, at the same time the normalization of the function of the prostate gland. Suitable for the treatment of an advanced stage.
- Popular candles for the treatment of Prostatitis. You apply in the treatment of complex cases of Prostatitis, an effective anti-inflammatory effect. However, a number of contraindications, not the possibility of use of this drug to any patients.
Like candles, the tablets are divided into groups by their actions. Drug treatment of only the urologist should prescribe after the spent inspection, which makes it possible to determine, such as for the treatment of prostate adenoma. Buying and taking medications without a prescription hardly have a positive impact on a speedy recovery. What medication against Prostatitis often doctors prescribe:
- Anti-inflammatory – in the acute Form of the adenoma, if there is pain during urination.
- Antispasmodics – this group of tablets relieves cramps and relaxes the muscles, which largely improved the circulation of blood.
- Antibiotics – if bph glands causing infectious lesions, and bacteria are found, the causative agent of the disease, the tablets are in this group. Which antibiotic used in Prostatitis fits only the doctor can determine the conduct of the investigation. Antibiotics drink a course, together with the use of rectal drugs.

All of them are effective drugs, improve the regeneration processes. The injections are in the conservative therapy or as prevention, protect the prostate against viruses. The dosage can only prescribe the doctor as there are side effects.
Effective phytotherapeutic agents
In the complex treatment of Prostatitis is also often herbal used. Its components accumulate selectively in tissues of the prostate, reduces symptoms of inflammation, improvement of protection functions to protect the cells from free radicals and losing control of the process of excessive growths of tissue in the prostate. Through a complex and balanced composition, the elimination of difficulties associated with urination, weakening of the pain syndrome. The components of the complex on the background of standard therapy wear effective influence on the main symptoms of chronic Prostatitis, to improve the emptying of the bladder: reduce the frequency of urination and amplify the beam of urine, for the improvement of health and restorative effect in patients with chronic Prostatitis.

During the search of the existing medications for the treatment of prostate adenoma and Prostatitis, you not even Folk-advertising phytotherapeutic agents fall, allegedly able to free yourself from this disease. It is worth noting that they are not medicines, but rather Badami, the prophylactic purposes. In the composition of the plant extracts, have a positive impact on the Status and function of the prostate, but not to heal in the case of the acute Phase of the disease phytotherapeutic agents in the location.
If you are often faced with prostate adenoma, and then the treating doctor may prescribe you a preventive means, which are capable of the risk of a new infection. Your effect a lot of men have already tested, you only leave positive feedback. Drugs, which is a good job with inflammatory processes, by blocking the prostate and thus work as expected.
You can learn more about other methods, such as for the treatment of prostate adenoma in men.
Medication against Prostatitis and adenoma of the prostate, use as part of a comprehensive therapy in order to reduce the symptoms and impact on underlying factors, injury provokes. Patient concerns about the dangers of self-medication and the selection of appropriate medicines only from a qualified doctor-the urologist. In the course of the appointment the age, accompanying diseases, peculiarities of the organism of the patient taken into account.